
Showing posts from 2016

KAWA online Course Introduction

Introduction to the ICT in Education Online Course for Teachers in Uganda Welcome to the KAWA ICT in Education Course, designed to empower teachers in Uganda with essential skills and knowledge to thrive in today’s digital age.  This comprehensive course provides an excellent foundation in Information and Communication Technology, equipping educators to leverage technology effectively in their professional and personal lives. Through a hands-on, project-based approach, you’ll gain exposure to key concepts in ICT, including personal computers, hardware, software, and operating systems.  You'll also master the fundamentals of file and folder management while exploring the capabilities of essential office applications like: Microsoft Word,  Excel,  PowerPoint, and  Access. Why Enroll in This Course? Whether you're a beginner or an experienced ICT user, this course is tailored to meet your needs: For Beginners: Build confidence and become proficient in using compute...

Topic 1: Getting to know Computers Better

Objectives of the course   By the end of the topic, learners should be able to; define a computer and describe how it works. describe the three wares that build up a complete computer system. u nder st a n d t h e t er m hard w are . u nder st a n d w ha t a per s o n a l c o m pu t e r i s . d i s t i ng u i sh be t w ee n de skt o p , l ap t o p (n o t ebo o k ) , and t a b l e t   PCs   i n t er m s o f ty p i c a l u s e r s. i den t i fy c o m m o n handhe ld po r t a b l e d i g i ta l de v i c e s l i k e  Per s on a l d i g i t a l   assistants   ( P D A ) , m ob i le  phones ,  smartphones , and  m u l t i m ed i a  players   an d k no w t h e i r m a i n f e a t ur e s. k no w t h e m a i n par ts o f a c o m pu t e r l i k e : the c e n t r a l p ro c e s s i n g un i t ( C P U ) , ty pe s o f m e m or y, hard disk , c o mm o n i npu t , an d ou t pu t d e v i c e s. ...

Introduction to Computers

A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information or "data." It has the ability to store , retrieve , and process data. You can use a computer to type documents, send email, and surf the Internet.    You can also use it to handle spreadsheets, accounting, database management, presentations, games, and more. A computer is any machine that can seem to do useful thinking. Whether you realize it or not, computers play an important role in our lives. When you withdraw cash from an ATM, scan groceries at the store, or use a calculator, you're using a type of computer. Data is a collection of unorganized facts, which can include words, numbers, symbols, images and sounds. I nformation is processed data that is organized, has meaning, and is useful. Examples are reports , newsletters , a receipt , a picture , a book, etc. Data entered in to a computer is called input . processing cycle . The 3 wares To...

How a Computer Works

A computer is a fabulous instrument that turns human inputs into electronic information that it then can store or share/distribute through various output devices. A computer performs (if instructed to do so) the steps shown in the diagram below, using information that a user provides (such as a typed sentence):   All of the equipment (hardware) and the instructions (software) needed to complete the above steps are described in the next section.   Processing Amazingly, the information that the user inputs into a computer is processed so that it becomes a simple code made up of only two digits: zero and one! For all its complexity, a computer is only able to handle these two choices. This is because it is based on electrical signals that have only two options (such as either on or off ). But computers co...

Information Technology

This is a general term which relates to the use of computers as an aid to creating and maintaining data, i.e. information. IT is related to all aspects of managing and processing information, especially within a large organisation.   Computers are critical to managing information, and computer departments within large organisations are often called IT departments. Alternative phrases are IS departments (Information Services) or MIS departments (Management Information Services). People working with computers within large companies will often refer to their job, as “working in IT”.

Typesof Computers

Computers we use today are classified into four ways i.e. . Classification by Process . Classification by Purpose . Classification by Size and; . Classification by Processor power. Classification by Process Computers in this classification are classified according to how data processed is represented. It is further subdivided into three sub-classifications and these are:- . Digital computers . Analog computers . Hybrid computers. Digital Computers . These are computers that process data that is represented in discrete values i.e. discrete values are numbers that can be defined as 1,2,3,4,5,6…etc. an example of a digital computer is a watch. Analog Computers. These are computers that process data in a continuous form or measurable quantity/units. In other words, these are computers that can be used in measurements e.g. weighing speed, temperature, pressure, humidity, etc. an example of an Anal...