Controllers for Gaming and Media Players

Video games and computer games use a game controller as the input device that directs movements and actions of on-screen objects. Game controllers include gamepads, joysticks and wheels, light guns, dance pads, and a variety of motion-sensing controllers (Figure 5-12).
A gamepad controls the movement and actions of players or objects in video games or computer games. On the gamepad, users press buttons with their thumbs or move sticks in various directions to trigger events. Gamepads communicate with a game console or a personal computer via wired or wireless technology.
Users running game software or flight and driving simulation software often use a joystick or wheel to control an airplane, vertical, or player.
A joystick is a handheld vertical lever mounted on a base. You move the lever in different directions to control the actions of the simulated vehicle or player. The lever usually includes buttons, called triggers, that you press to initiate certain events. Some joysticks also have additional buttons you press to perform other actions.
A wheel is a steering wheel-type input device. Users turn the wheel to simulate driving a vehicle. Most wheels also include foot pedals for acceleration and braking actions. Joystick and wheels typically attach via a cable to a personal computer or game console.
Today's joysticks and wheels also include force feedback, which is a technology that sends resistance to the device in response to actins of the user. For example, as you use the simulation software to drive from a smooth road onto a gravel alley, the steering wheel trembles or vibrates, making the driving experience as realistic as possible. In addition to games, these devices are used in practical training applications such as in the military and aviation.
A light gun is used to shoot targets and moving objects after you pull the trigger on the weapon. Instead of emitting light, most light guns work by detecting light. When the user pulls the trigger, the screen uses one of several techniques to send light, which is received by a receptor in the barrel of the gun.
A dance pad is a flat electronic device divided into panels that users press with their feet in response to instructions from a music video game. These games test the user’s ability to step on the correct panel at the correct time, following a pattern that is synchronized with the rhythm or beat of a song.
Motion-sensing game controllers allow the use to guide onscreen elements by moving a handheld input device in predetermined directions through the air. Some are sold with a particular type of game; others are general purpose.
The touch-sensitive pad on a portable media player is an input device that enables users to scroll through and play music, view pictures, watch videos or movies, adjust volume, and customize settings. Touch-sensitive pads typically contain buttons and/or wheels that are operated with a thumb or finger.
