Output is data that has been processed into a useful form called information. Computers generate several types of output, depending on the hardware and software being used and the requirements of the user. You may choose to display or view this output on a monitor, print it on a printer, or listen to it through speakers. While working with a computer, a user encounters four basic categories of output: text, graphics, audio, and video .
Text consists of characters that are used to create words, sentences, and paragraphs. Examples of text-based output are memos, letters, announcements, reports, advertisements, newsletters, envelopes, mailing labels, and e-mail messages. On the Web, users view and print many other types of text-based output, including magazines, books, stock quotes, and historical lectures.
Graphics are digital representations of nontext information such as drawings, charts, and photographs. Graphics also can be animated, giving them the illusion of motion. Output uses graphics to enhance its visual appeal and convey information.
Audio is music, speech, or any other sound. Recall that sound waves, such as the human voice or music, are analog. To store such sounds, a computer converts the sounds from a continuous analog signal into a digital format. Most output devices require that the computer convert the digital format back into analog signals. Software such as games, encyclopedias, and simulations often have musical accompaniments for entertainment and audio clips, such as narrations and speeches, to enhance understanding.
Video consists of full-motion images that are played back at various speeds. Video often is captured with a video input device such as video camera or Web cam. As with audio, software and Web sites often include video clips to enhance understanding
Four categories of output are text, graphics, audio and video

Output devices
An output device is any type of hardware component capable of conveying information to one or more people.

Commonly used output devices include display devices;
  • printers;
  • speakers,
  • headsets and earphones;
  • fax machines and fax modems;
  • multifunctionperipherals;
  • data projectors;
  • interactive whiteboards; and force-feedback
  • or motion-sensing game controllers.
 These include the following:
